From Summer to Autumn: Real Estate Strategies for September

Fall, is that you?? Ah, September, where pumpkin spice takes over our lives before we are ready, and we start pretending it’s fall—even though it’s still 90 degrees outside. Grab your cozy sweater (or just dial down the AC) and let’s dive into what’s happening this month!

Shop local… even with your mortgage lender

Hear me out on this one: Local lender = Lower interest rate = Increase in buying power = Larger selection of properties.
In summary: Working with a local lender can increase your pool of available homes to purchase.
Plus, you’ll enjoy: 1) Personalized service 2) Local market knowledge
3) Faster response time and processing 4) Satisfaction knowing you’re supporting a local business. Send me a message for my recommendations!

Finding a home in a low inventory market

“How will we find a home when they are so few available?!” This is a question I’m hearing quite a bit lately…
Here’s what I’m looking for when we’re in a lower inventory market–
1) Going easy on search parameters – Let’s say you’re in search of a 3 BR home (2 bedrooms + a home office). If we loosen those parameters just slightly, we might be surprised at what comes up.
2️) Off-market finds – These are homes being sold word-of-mouth that you won’t find posted online. An agent with a strong network comes in handy here!
3️) Expired listings – Homes that didn’t sell during their previous listing and may be available again. You better believe I’ll be calling every single one of them!
4) Not for sale – Just because a home isn’t for sale right now, doesn’t mean that’s the case forever.

Events this month

  • Desert Reflections Car Show – Sep. 14th

Sat 9am-3pm Hill Park


  • Farmers Market- Sep. 21st

Sat 8:30am-12:30pm Hill Park


  • Catholic Bazaar- Sep 28

Sat 11am St. John the Apostle and Evangelist Catholic Church

Home maintenance

✓ Clean out clothes from previous school year
✓ Dust all blinds and clean windows
✓ Clean out dishwasher filter
✓ Deep clean dryer vents to prevent fire

I’d love to chat with you about all things real estate, anytime! Whether you’re planning a move soon or years down the line, I’m here to provide insights, guidance, or just a friendly conversation about the market. And hey, I’m all ears for your feedback on this newsletter too – let me know what you think and how I can add more value to your real estate journey. Just hit reply, and let’s talk!

-Mariela Moore